How To Find Your Kindred Crystal In 4 Easy Steps!

I believe everyone has a kindred crystal. A crystal that is sort of like your companion. It is a spirited connection with a natural resource that speaks to your heart. It’s simple to discover your kindred crystal and when you do, you will discover the greatest parts of you.

It’s simple to discover your kindred crystal and when you do, you will discover the greatest parts of you.

A kindred spirit is generally someone and in this case, something that you have a deep connection with and similarities may run deep within both of you to include beliefs and values. It can even be considered a soul’s mate!

You can utilize your kindred crystal when times are tough as a reminder of your beautiful and magical qualities.

My kindred crystal is hematite. I connect with hematite because it exudes strength, stability and an elegance that appears mystical. Hematite can appear rough and rugged or sparkle when polished and become so alluring. I call hematite the guardian crystal for everyone but it is my kindred crystal for me personally.

How did I discover or determine hematite was the one? Did it call out to me? Was I immediately drawn to it?

The answer is no I wasn't drawn to it and it did not call out to me either and that’s okay! You may or may not initially connect with your kindred crystal at first either.

I discovered my kindred crystal through my birthdate utilizing a wonderful method of knowing my sun sign and rising sign to determine an astrological connection and their characteristics. If you are interested in this method connect with Author Ethan Lazzerini. Ethan Lazzerini has written many crystal healing books and is blogger at

However, you don't even have to utilize astrology.

Finding your kindred crystal can be as simple as rediscovering your personal core values.

Ready to learn how find your kindred crystal?

We start with determining your personal core values to connect with your character traits. Here's a reminder of what personal core values are.

Personal Values (or core values) are described as enduring priorites that may governs ones life, the things that are counted as most important to the individual.

Determine your personal core values

Here are the 4 steps to help you connect to yourself to discover your kindred crystal.

1) Write down four personal core values. They can be your desired characteristics like honesty, loyalty, open mindedness, compassion, etc.

Write these down as a list.

2) Then connect into where and when you might activate these values.

For instance, honesty/loyalty may be activated in your work ethic or even within yourself in being honest or loyal to your boundaries or goals.

Open mindedness may connect you to freedom and it may be activated in your relationship with control.

You may activate compassion when you are confronted and need to soften or when you are to hard on yourself. Write this out as thoughts.

3) Take your written thoughts into a crystal shop and browse through the many stones. Most crystal shops will have information about the stones and their attributes. Find a stone with some of your top values or one close to that value. It doesn't matter if you immediately connect to what the crystal or stone looks like in other words don't judge a book by its cover. Purchase one or two stones. Ideally it will be just one however it may be two.

Don't have a crystal shop near you or you prefer to shop online?

You can still use the same methods by reading through the online descriptions of the stones. However to narrow down the wide selection you may want to use the stones color characteristics and patterns.

Color characteristics:

  • Red – Security/Vitality

  • Orange – Happiness/Creativity

  • Yellow – Courage/Confidence

  • Green – Gratitude/Growth

  • Blue – Serenity/Calm

  • Indigo – Insight/Purpose

  • Violet – Enlightenment/Higher Consciousness

  • Pink - Love/Compassion

  • Metallic - Tranquility/Memory

  • Brown- Stability

  • Black- Protection

  • White- Calm

A variety of crystal colors

4) Take the stone(s) home and place on your windowsill or anywhere in your personal space. Spend some time connecting with them by gazing at them a few minutes a day as a reflection of your personal values.

Overtime your crystal companion will feel like a kindred part of you.

Now that is how your kindred crystal is found. Tell me, have you found your kindred crystal using this method?


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