I Attended My First Sound Bath and Here’s How It Went. Written by Mel

In 2021 I attended a sound healing bath with my sister. It was the first time for the both of us, so we were unsure on what to expect.

However, our hearts and minds were open to something new.

Being open minded proved to be a vital part of us receiving the full experience of the sound healing. In other words, we were willing participants.

When we entered the shop (We went to Violets in Bloom crystal shop) the founder Ava, greeted us with a warm welcome along with the other people participating.

The lights were dimmed and everyone was on their yoga mats with their crystals.

After we were given a brief overview of the agenda for the night, we were instructed to get into whatever position we felt comfortable in on the floor.

I choose to lay flat on my back with my eyes closed as she suggested how to best activate your breath.

It all began for me from there.

Throughout the experience, several different live instruments like brass singing bowls, crystal bowls, drums and rainsticks were played as well as some soothing pre-recorded nature based music as background support. In between the vibrational sounds there were moments of silence which were very welcoming to avoid over stimuation.

It was definitely an inner and outer experience. My body was able to relax before my mind did which I heard is quite common with humans generally having random thoughts all day long. However, within fifteen minutes I was completely relaxed on every level.

At certain points during the 50 minute session a myriad of images popped into my head as I lay listening to the relaxing sounds.

They were mostly peaceful images that made me recall being in outdoors in nature. It definitely added to my experience. I felt worry and anxiety leave my body. My body seem to be in full slumber while my mind was being re-awakened. Overall, the sound healing bath was extremely refreshing to my spirit.

I highly recommend sound vibration to those who are open to utilizing it as a self healing experience. I recall Ava stating that “Sound is the first vibration there ever was”

Ava at Jtown Hot Yoga’s Sound Bath

If you are someone who struggles to maintain a sense of stillness a sound bath could truly be a great tool for training your body to sit in complete relaxation along with becoming more spiritually attuned.

I’d like to share three personal tips on how to relax within a sound healing bath or even without sound.

To prepare, schedule out at least 5 minutes of time in an area where you will not be disturbed that feels peaceful to you.

3 Steps For Greater Relaxation:

1. Focus on the space surrounding your body before going inward.

2. Take a few focused breaths inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth with slightly parted lips. Avoid opening your mouth to wide.

3. Begin to identify with the feeling of gratitude/love. Then send that energy to every part of your body inside and out from the top of your head and then down to every single toe on both of your feet while envisioning warm light scanning your entire body.


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