​Spring is a Time to Use Egg Shaped Crystals for Renewal

Crystals are wonderful tools for increasing your vibrational energy magic! At different times of the year however, there are certain crystals that may be more inspirational than others. During the months of Spring I like to use egg shaped crystals to tune in to spring to appreciate the changing of the Earth all around us. Eggs represent birth and new beginnings figuratively and literally! Its common for one to use an egg to enhance fertility but also to spark new ideas and appreciation for new beginnings like Spring!

​Try this Gratitude Meditation w/ a Universal Offering that you can do with an egg shaped crystal:

  • Find a quiet place to sit outside in nature.

  • Give Gratitude for Spring.

  • Place your crystal egg in your dominant hand,

  • Take a good look around at your surroundings and imprint them into your mind.

  • Close your eyes and take a deep inhale (do this slowly for 4 counts). Hold for 4 counts then exhale for 8 counts. Repeat twice more.

  • Go back to normal breathing while listening to all the sounds around you. Try to see your surroundings from your minds eye and the picture that you took when your eyes were open.

  • Give thanks again and when ready open your eyes.

You can also set an intention for a new beginning with your egg if there have been obstacles in your life. Place the intention into your egg by stating the intention softly in your mind or outloud (i.e, increased patience). Be of good cheer and faith that your crystal is set. Now place your egg in a place of light for 28 days. Gaze upon the egg daily to remind yourself of what you are working on!

For egg shaped crystals shop us in store or online!


Use Crystals to Tune Into Your Human Vibrations