Nectar of Life: the Spring to Summer Crystal Grid is activated

Our spring to summer crystal grid is activated and dedicated to the beauty of the Nectar of Life and Spring Renewal. It's energetically for all! This grid is inspired by the beautiful Hummingbird! Here are the stones used in the grid and a few facts about the magical Hummingbird.

Crystals, Minerals and Stones used:

  • Wooden Holder: Star of David/Heart Chakra with Flower of Life scared geometry grid.

  • Leader stone: A carved Black Onyx hummingbrid with Snow (Milky) Quartz wings perched on an Angelite tulip with Serpentine leaves fitted by brass metal (alchemy) was utilized as the generator stone.

  • Stones used: 12 Rough Octahedron Rubies were used to represent the Ruby Throated Hummingbird and for their color characteristic that represents Vital Life force energy. Atlantisite chips were place under 4 rubies used as supportive stones for the directional quandrants (see the green& purple stones under the rubies placed in the inner NE, SE, SW and NW areas). Atlantisite is a stone used for Spiritual Earth connection as well as Forgiveness.

  • 3 large Unakite tumbles set in the inner Star of David ( for unity (family/friends/all beings), past life healing to release blockages as well as self love.

  • 3 medium Blue Quartz tumbles are set in the inner Star of David ( energy for communication,peace and serenity).

  • 4 large Aura Quartz tumbles were used for the energetic cleansing of our auras as well as the beautiful rainbow colors a hummingbird will display on thier back feathers shown cloased as well as in flight. These are placed in the outer NE, SE, SW and NW areas).

  • The 4 Clear Quartz points represent the 4 directions and there elements ( North Earth), East (Air), South (Fire), West (Water). Surrounding Clear Quartz energy amplifiers to radiate out to all beautiful beings.

  • Activated by a palo santo cleansed Clear Quartz copper wrapped wand.

  • This will stay activated until the Summer soltice on Sunday, June 20th .

  • Created on 5/2/2021 Numerology: 5+2+2021 = 12 and reduces to 3. 3 relates to youth, creative energy and optimism. This vibration increases self expression; think: mind, body spirit, or past present, future.

  • This is a LIGHT BEARING Sacred Grid.

Facts about the Hummingbird Totem:

  • Keynote Characteristic: Timeless Joy and Nectar of Life.

  • Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards (think past lives and spring that energy into your present if it serves you).

  • Hummingbirds use flowers for nectar. Try Using flowers for healing (vibrational color, fragrance, herbal qualities (rose tea, nectar etc).

  • Hummingbirds are independent and appreciate freedom of expression as they can move their wings in a figure 8 patterm which represents infinity. They thrive mostly during the daytime as they are known to hibernate at night. Utilize your energy best during the day!

I hope you experience the energy of this grid and its connection to the independent hummingbird, and the renewal that spring lends as we head into summer!

All stones (with the exception of the hummingbird) are available at Violets In Bloom.
​Sources: and Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
Special thanks to Sophia for gifting the amazing carved Hummingbird to Violets in Bloom! <3


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