11 ways to work with 11:11 when you see it!
The number 11 is a “master number” which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment.
Seeing 11:11 in spirituality means: You are on the right path and you’re being assisted by spirit guides, and the Universe to consciously grow and expand.
Pay attention, be aware, and remember to stay grounded in the present moment.
Here are 11 ways to work with the master number 11 when you see 11:11 and even when you don’t!
1. Thank the Universe.
2. Recognize and appreciate the lessons learned through obstacles, so you can create a path to the life you are meant to have (think consistent gratitude).
3. Think of your mutable habits, tendencies, and patterns so you can clear and change them quickly.
4. Plan to achieve more freedom in your life by creating healthy boundaries.
5. Decrease any energy leaks to your self-esteem so you can approach life with confidence.
6. Plan to improve your ability to speak over what it is you want, to become a better communicator.
7. Spend a bit of time with introspective thinking and process your thoughts.
8. Make steps towards learning from the past to awaken to your most authentic and powerful self.
9. Program a crystal to remember to focus on what’s important.
10. Bless someone else by sending a wave of love their way.
11. Once again give thanks!.